Friday, 25 June 2010


Not being the greatest technician in the world and being - frankly - a bit slow on a computer, it's taken me nearly an hour to try and remove a photo from my new blog. In the end I lost patience with my denseness and also the late hour and simply deleted the blog.

I was going to look at others' blogs, to see style, design, content - but then I thought - how hard can it be? And an hour and a half later, here I am, bleary-eyed and wondering how I'm going to work in the morning.

So if you're reading this, look - in the next few months - for some thoughts on things dear to my heart. Management of people, consultants and their promises and a rather more critical approach.

As I'm a consultant, who I am to call the pot black? Fair comment, but then again, this has never stopped me pointing at the emperor's new clothes and sniggering.

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